• photo: Max Vos de Wael
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
Booking Info:

Agent: Mane and Rose

+44 203 883 7877
e-mail agent
website agent

Contact Jeremiah:

+31(0)6 - 155 70 129
e-mail jeremiah

Jeremiah has worked as a professional training actor for the past 25 years in the Netherlands. He has also done many assessments for Philips worldwide traveling to Warsaw, Budapest, Paris, London and other major European cities. For Sara Lee Jeremiah was part of their Executive Training Program which involved flying to Asia as well as working in Holland.

His experience is wide & varied. He has done aggression trainings with ticket collectors for the Liverpool Mercyrail and serious games workshops for ASML in China as well as ‘conflict hanteren’ for Saybolt in Vlaardingen. In addition to that his training experience includes bad news interviews, time management, leadership training, negotiating skills, ‘omgaan met weerstand’ among others.

His experience with diverse training methods includes the carousel method, the ‘regie model’, fish bowl roleplaying, ‘hoefijzer’, product presentation & new company policy enactments and multiple actors roleplaying with one participant.

Jeremiah gives theater based leadership workshops to companies as well as schools. In addition to that he gives acting lessons and directs theater productions in both English and Dutch. You can find recommendations of his students and the actors he has directed in the archive sections.

Jeremiah’s versatility and flexibility can be used in any type of business or educational setting.

I liked the workshop with you very much! In several short exercises, all workshop participants were able to learn and try out how to come across authentically by using body language correctly. By trying out new things and getting immediate feedback, I learnt a lot about using my voice, my posture, making eye contact and much more that will help me in my day-to-day business. Even though it takes a lot of effort to leave your comfort zone, it was a lot of fun.

Simon Diemer, platform architect, ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions

Thanks for the workshop. I really enjoyed it and had a lot of fun. It made me realize that the difficulty in bringing a message is in the simplest things. I would definitely recommend this workshop to my colleagues.

Rob Verkooijen, Product Development | System Engineer

I would like to express my genuine appreciation of Jeremiah Fleming's exceptional, inspiring and stimulating capacities in role play-based trainings. Jeremiah's acting skills and sheer enthusiasm contributed immensely to the success of the training sessions we did together. I can wholeheartedly recommend Jeremiah and I also suggest that you include him in the preparation of these sessions, since I highly value his capacities as a producer and stage director as well.

Professor J.A,C.M. Doorewaard, PhD, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen

Samenwerken met Jeremiah als acteur voor een training van Jobleaders voor Esso Raffinaderij Rotterdam heb ik positief ervaren omwille van:

  • Onmiddelijk inlevingsvermogen in vreemde omgeving en werksituatie.
  • Kan zich snel aanpassen aan abstractievermogen van deelnemers en doseert dus de moeilijkheidsgraad van zijn (tegen)-rol.
  • Goede feedback verstrekker.
  • Helpt de trainer in opzetten van tussenstappen om een leerdoel te bereiken.

Ludo de Hert

I want to thank Jeremiah for his work as a Director in an InPlayers production "String of Pearls" (October, 2008). In this play, six actors perform 3-5 characters each, in this production the players are also permanently on stage during the complete duration of the show. I am proud and pleased to say we completed our run at Crea Theatre knowing we had achieved a series of consistently high-level performances - despite the many practical challenges and a record short rehearsal period. I truly appreciated Jeremiah as Director. He was generous with his own time, genuinely passionate, sensitive and committed from beginning to the end. Jeremiah's own acting experience makes it easy for him to related to issues his actors were facing. I would jump to another opportunity to work with Jeremiah.

Teresa Merilainen, Cast Member "String of Pearls"

Jeremiah was the director of the In Players "String of Pearls" performed at the Crea Theatre in October '08, where I was one of the cast. How he inspired us to create a great production in difficult surroundings and little time I'm not quite sure, but he did.

Jeremiah encouraged us, taught us new techniques and made us into a cast who trusted each other, which showed positively during the performances. He put in a vast amount of time, energy and commitment to the show and to all who were involved - front and back stage. There was a clear idea of where the production was going and how it should turn out, but input was always encouraged. Without him, his vision & passion, it wouldn't have worked. Thanks Jeremiah!

Alex McKenzie

Jeremiah, Tijdens de repetities voor Welkom in het Bos van Alex van Warmerdam heb ik je leren kennen als een zeer gedreven regisseur die er elke repetitie met volledige inzet tegenaan gaat. Zelfs als de repetitie er op zit, ben je nog bezig met de voorstelling: choreografie, geluidsopnamen, film crew, flyer etc. Jouw gedrevenheid vraagt ook 100% inzet van de spelers, maar daardoor heb ik wel veel geleerd: het belang van beweging, timing, incasseren en niet in de laatste plaats het spelplezier. Dit resulteerde in een voorstelling waar ik trots op ben. Hartelijk dank.

Bas Nederveen