• photo: Max Vos de Wael
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
Booking Info:

Agent: Mane and Rose

+44 203 883 7877
e-mail agent
website agent

Contact Jeremiah:

+31(0)6 - 155 70 129
e-mail jeremiah
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Ik heb in 2015 met Jeremiah mogen werken onder zijn regie van Welkom in het Bos bij amateurgezelschap Het Stenen Hoofd in Amsterdam. Jeremiah is als regisseur professioneel, veeleisend (in a good way) en rust niet tot hij zijn spelers naar een hoger plan heeft getild.

Edine, Amsterdam

Tijdens de repetities voor Welkom in het Bos van Alex van Warmerdam heb ik je leren kennen als een zeer gedreven regisseur die er elke repetitie met volledige inzet tegenaan gaat. Zelfs als de repetitie er op zit, ben je nog bezig met de voorstelling: choreografie, geluidsopnamen, film crew, flyer etc. Jouw gedrevenheid vraagt ook 100% inzet van de spelers, maar daardoor heb ik wel veel geleerd: het belang van beweging, timing, incasseren en niet in de laatste plaats het spelplezier. Dit resulteerde in een voorstelling waar ik trots op ben. Hartelijk dank.

Bas Nederveen, Amsterdam

I've met Jeremiah during Het Stenen Hoofd production of Welkom in het Bos by Alex van Warmerdam (2014/2015). I've come to know him as a very precise and driven director, with a clear and outspoken view on acting. I've learned a lot from him, and I know for sure that there's still a lot to learn from him.

Jaco Vos, Amsterdam

I've been following acting lessons and American accent lessons with Jeremiah since March. I work as a model and will soon move to Miami or LA, where a lot of commercials are filmed. That's why I wanted to improve my accent and get into acting more. During my weekly lessons I've learned a lot, thanks to the enthusiastic and very clear way Jeremiah teaches

Bob van Rutte, Amsterdam

Jeremiah Fleming is een zeer professionele presentator. Een zeer fijne persoonlijkheid en hij brengt een zeer positieve energie mee op de set waar de rest van de crew op een aangename manier mee wordt aangestoken zodat de productie zeer vlot verloopt. Jeremiah is zeer goed voorbereidt en veranderingen op het laatste moment zijn voor hem geen enkel probleem. Ook een hoog werktempo is hem niet vreemd. Wij van VideoContentCompany.com zullen zeker vaker in de toekomst gebruik maken van de diensten van Jeremiah als native speaking product-presentator en voice-over voor onze productvideo's en andere videoproducties.

Rene Kogelman, VCC VideoContentCompany

We are pleased to have met you and are very impressed by the way you accomplished a seemingly impossible task namely having to cast , coach and train 50 15-year-old adolescents from different nationalities in a very short period of time with the objective of putting together a Shakespeare play! Against all odds you managed with your vigourness and enthusiasm to bond and unite the group into a team of very convincing actors, set designers and theatrical staff.

It was clear from the outset that they were off to a nice week full of hard work but eventually crowned with a warm standing ovation from both teachers and their parents. We would recommend you to any school looking for a committed drama teacher who has furthermore a very flexible and open mind towards this difficult agegroup. Once more, thank you very much and we are looking forward to future enterprises.

Rosario and Astrid, Utrecht

Whether it be acting professionally, or for personal growth, Jeremiah is a fantastic, teacher and mentor. I would highly recommend working with Jeremiah. He has and continues to provide me with a tailored, professional and critical approach to acting, which I am sure would of equal benefit to anyone he teaches.

Brett Jacobs, Amsterdam

Wat mij veel vreugde heeft bezorgd in het werken in de cursus van Toneel Imperium met Jeremiah is dat hij mij in staat wist te stellen door zijn opmerkingen en zoeken waar de schoen wrong, om mij te helpen niet meer uit kracht te spelen, maar dichtbij mijzelf te blijven en mijn gevoelens te laten zien zodat er meer kleur in mijn spel kwam. Ook bij de anderen zag ik dat Jeremiah hen tot nieuwe dingen bracht.

Annemarie Kloosman, Leiden

I want to thank Jeremiah for his work as a Director in an InPlayers production "String of Pearls" (October, 2008). In this play, six actors perform 3-5 characters each, in this production the players are also permanently on stage during the complete duration of the show. I am proud and pleased to say we completed our run at Crea Theatre knowing we had achieved a series of consistently high-level performances - despite the many practical challenges and a record short rehearsal period. I truly appreciated Jeremiah as Director. He was generous with his own time, genuinely passionate, sensitive and committed from beginning to the end. Jeremiah's own acting experience makes it easy for him to related to issues his actors were facing. I would jump to another opportunity to work with Jeremiah.

Teresa Merilainen, Cast Member "String of Pearls"

Jeremiah directed a play called String of Pearls in November 2008 which I took part in. He was extremely professional and inspired all of us with his tremendous vision and energy. With few resources he managed to teach us new acting techniques and to think outside the box! His attention to detail was superb as was his ability to motivate us. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Thanking you Jeremiah and good luck with future productions.

Sinead Donovan , Cast Member "String of Pearls"

Jeremiah was the director of the In Players "String of Pearls" performed at the Crea Theatre in October '08, where I was one of the cast. How he inspired us to create a great production in difficult surroundings and little time I'm not quite sure, but he did.

Jeremiah encouraged us, taught us new techniques and made us into a cast who trusted each other, which showed positively during the performances. He put in a vast amount of time, energy and commitment to the show and to all who were involved - front and back stage. There was a clear idea of where the production was going and how it should turn out, but input was always encouraged. Without him, his vision & passion, it wouldn't have worked. Thanks Jeremiah!

Alex McKenzie

First of all, I would like to point out that I have had a lot of different actors and presenters in front of the camera and it never went this well. I really enjoyed working with Jeremiah. Although it was a great amount of hard, technical text, selling on screen machines that we had never heard of before, it all went very swiftly and came across as incredibly believable. As I said "I would by that strange machine from that man!" I will defintely be working again with Jeremiah in the future!

Guus Fingskes, Programmaker/regisseur

Samenwerken met Jeremiah als acteur voor een training van Jobleaders voor Esso Raffinaderij Rotterdam heb ik positief ervaren omwille van:

  • Onmiddelijk inlevingsvermogen in vreemde omgeving en werksituatie.
  • Kan zich snel aanpassen aan abstractievermogen van deelnemers en doseert dus de moeilijkheidsgraad van zijn (tegen)-rol.
  • Goede feedback verstrekker.
  • Helpt de trainer in opzetten van tussenstappen om een leerdoel te bereiken.

Ludo de Hert

I am owner and producer of Beacon Multimedia Services. I worked with Jeremiah on two seperate corporate shoots and was very impressed with his professionalism, concentration and quality of work. He is very motivated and has brought great value to the video projects we worked on. I can definitely recommend him as an actor to strongly consider.

Robert Gifford, Producer Beacon Multimedia Production