• photo: Max Vos de Wael
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
Booking Info:

Agent: Mane and Rose

+44 203 883 7877
e-mail agent
website agent

Contact Jeremiah:

+31(0)6 - 155 70 129
e-mail jeremiah

Jeremiah has extensive experience doing both film and live product presentations. He has presented everything from blenders to men's grooming accessories to mail sorting machines to lighting systems. His philosophy? "If it moves (and even if it doesn't), I'll present it."

featured (10)  |  archive (3)

There are 10 videos on 2 pages, this is page 1

Jeremiah presenting Hotraco Agri
Watch this video with Jeremiah presenting Hotraco Agri  |  watch video »

Jeremiah for Elfsquad Stuck Being Busy
Take a look at Jeremiah's latest film work. Elfsquad's brand movie ''Stuck Being Busy''. A humorous look at solving a software problem.  |  watch video »

Jeremiah Fleming presenting Alva
Check out Jeremiah's film work presenting Alva, an eco-friendly brand of kitchenware founded in Belgium in 1949 shortly after the war.  |  watch video »

Bob Will Help You
Presentation video "Bob Will Help You" with Jeremiah Fleming  |  watch video »

Jeremiah presents Tjalp
Jeremiah as presenter of professional videos for Tjalp.  |  watch video »

Spokesperson Demo
In this demo video Jeremiah presents himself as a spokes person  |  watch video »

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First of all, I would like to point out that I have had a lot of different actors and presenters in front of the camera and it never went this well. I really enjoyed working with Jeremiah. Although it was a great amount of hard, technical text, selling on screen machines that we had never heard of before, it all went very swiftly and came across as incredibly believable. As I said "I would by that strange machine from that man!" I will defintely be working again with Jeremiah in the future!

Guus Fingskes, Programmaker/regisseur

Jeremiah Fleming is een zeer professionele presentator. Een zeer fijne persoonlijkheid en hij brengt een zeer positieve energie mee op de set waar de rest van de crew op een aangename manier mee wordt aangestoken zodat de productie zeer vlot verloopt. Jeremiah is zeer goed voorbereidt en veranderingen op het laatste moment zijn voor hem geen enkel probleem. Ook een hoog werktempo is hem niet vreemd. Wij van VideoContentCompany.com zullen zeker vaker in de toekomst gebruik maken van de diensten van Jeremiah als native speaking product-presentator en voice-over voor onze productvideo's en andere videoproducties.

Rene Kogelman, VCC VideoContentCompany