• photo: Max Vos de Wael
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
Booking Info:

Agent: Mane and Rose

+44 203 883 7877
e-mail agent
website agent

Contact Jeremiah:

+31(0)6 - 155 70 129
e-mail jeremiah

In film Jeremiah has acted with William Hurt (see clip in archive) in Do Not Disturb, Jacky Chan in Who Am I?, Daniel Boissevain in Wild Romance and Linda de Mol in April, May, June.

On television Jeremiah has appeared in the VPRO television movie Hope playing opposite Monic Hendrickx. Other appearances on TV include Studio Snugger & Top 2000 A Gogo. In addition to that, he has extensive experience in corporate films playing many different roles as well as giving numerous presentations on screen and hosting live events.

Notable film appearances among others are:

  • The Takeover with Frank Lammers (on Netflix)
  • Maxima with Sebastian Koch (on Videoland)
  • April, May, June with Linda de Mol
  • Wild Romance with Daniel Boissevain
  • Do Not Disturb with William Hurt
  • Who am I? with Jacky Chan

featured (11)  |  archive (5)

There are 11 videos on 2 pages, this is page 1

Jeremiah Fleming Dramatic Showreel
Watch Jeremiah's Dramatic showreel to see what he is capable of as a dramatic actor!  |  watch video »

Jeremiah Fleming Comedic Showreel
Watch Jeremiah's Comedic showreel for an impression of his comedic talents!  |  watch video »

Scene from Enemy of the People
Scene from the play Enemy of the People written by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen.  |  watch video »

Monologue from Enemy of the People
Monologue from the play Enemy of the People by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen.  |  watch video »

Jeremiah Fleming Showreel 2023
Watch Jeremiah's latest showreel for an impression of what he's capable of and where you may have seen him before!  |  watch video »

Jeremiah's 'New and Improved' Showreel!
Watch Jeremiah's latest showreel for an impression of what he's capable of and where you may have seen him before!  |  watch video »

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Het is moelijk om in Nederland aan een engelstalig acteur te komen die: ervaring heeft, uitstraling heeft, native speaker is, geen problemen heeft met instuderen van teksten, flexible is, meedenkt en corrigeert waar nodig, de nederlandse taal beheerst, voorzien is van een dosis humor en goed in teamverband kan werken. toch hebben wij een man gevonden waarin al deze ingredienten zijn verpakt: Jeremiah Fleming. Mede dankzij Jeremiah kunnen wij wederom een tevreden klant in onze portfolio opnemen!

Robert van den Broek, Jozef van den Broek Producties